March 29

Innovation day blog

This is my pulleys and gears innovation day blog!

Here is my blog on pulleys and gears

Here is a vid on pulleys


What is a pulley? Pulley can reduce the force to carry or lift a load. Pulley is a very simple mechanism as shown in the picture. They only need two things to work in the system pulley. You need a pulley and a rope of some kind. The pulleys, my group and I, are going to use are fixed-system pulleys to make a working drawbridge.

Here is a video on gears


What is a gear? The gears are very cool😎 I love them. they are literally wheels with teeth but they are very useful. Did you know that there are so many things that use gears, like a can opener! They are usually connected to a chain like a bike. I learned that if you use a small gear and connect it to a bigger gear the big one will spin much faster. if you do that it will also change the direction. learning about this stuff was really fun and cool😎

Posted March 29, 2023 by joshs72 in category Uncategorized

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