December 9

     YCC ‘24

     YCC ‘24


L’ été dernier, je suis allé au YCC.  Je suis allé avec mes amies.  J’étais dans la cabine numéro 8 avec Nathan, Oren et Ari. je suis allé faire du  water ski.  Les repas et la nourriture a YCC était très bon. Mon repas préféré est le sandwich au fromage grillé. Mon activité préférée 

était  le ski d’eau. J’ai aussi aimé jouer au lac. Pour Theme Day à YCC, mon equipe etait blanc .Le theme de la couler etait Madagascar. J’était sur l’équipe Melman,   notre équipe a fini en deuxième place.  Mon  programme préféré de la soirée était Kangaroo Court. Nous avons fait tremper un conseiller dans de l’avoine. 




Last summer I went to the YCC.  I went with my friends.  I was in booth 8 with Nathan, Oren and Ari. I went water skiing.  The meals and food at YCC was very good. My favorite meal is grilled cheese sandwich. My favourite activity 

was water skiing. I also liked playing on the lake. For Theme Day at YCC, my team was white. The theme of the flow was Madagascar. I was on Team Melman,   our team finished in second place.  My favourite show of the evening was Kangaroo Court. We soaked a counsellor in oats. 


December 4

Mishpacha Project Blog Post

Mishpacha Project Blog Post

This project is meant to help us learn about our family history and discover things about our family that I never knew! For this project, I interviewed my mom and dad. This project was very interesting because I learned many things. For example, I learned that my great-grandmother lived in Hungary Russia, and Ukraine. another interesting thing is that my great-grandfather lived in Poland and was in a concentration camp but escaped! His father escaped to Paris and lived there till he passed away. Next time I would try to go even farther back in my family heritage and see what my great-great-great grandfather was up to!

Mishpacha Project by Joshua.Slatkoff

June 24

my year achievement

This year i think i have learned a lot About Hebrew and improved my vocabulary. I  have learned About so many different subjects like fall store and more. This year we did a lot of blogging and stuff but personlliy i dont like blogging AT ALL (IDK why im doing it rn) but it sometimes is good but over all its meh. for next year students i would say to lisen in class and do work so ya dont homwork 🙂

June 19

SMART goal reflecion

Overall My SMART goal was to pay more attention in class. I think I met this goal because I have better attention in class. I think that I have improved my attention in class I think at the start of the year I was Was more attentive but I feel somedays I really could have improve I did distract people but I think I could improve by having more engaging (no offense Mr. Watters)

 So I would not be distracted by people. This year I think I have improved a lot.

June 18

public speaking relfection

What you liked about my speech

I like my stupidly funny topic, I loved when people came up to me and said “whats your topic” and i say “how a dinosaur turns into a spoon. then they were “no tell me ur real topic


What i could have done to improve

i think i coulds have practiced a bit more cuz i think i studdered alot.
What you liked about someone else’s

What i like about somones speech

i loved elis speech is info was so good

Without identifying anyone] what advice could you offer to something you noticed.

a lot of people were not looking at the adiance


May 3

ארבצה בןים

Today we read the midrash of the 4 sons. the 4 sons reflect the five stages of human. the first the baby who didn’t know how to ash questions and has not learned anything. the 2 sons is the young people who ask a lot question and are still learning. The 3 sons is the teenagers moody and likes to ask bad or unnecessary. the 4 is the adult this person is fully mature and does not need to ask questions.  I think i am the 2 sons i am still maturing and learning like a young sons would. I also think this one reflect my personality. like this sons asks alot of question and is very curious like me. That’s why i think i am like the 2 sons from the midrash.