April 4

april gosls

english, so far I have been better than last time we check in. It has been way more easy to focus and not distract others. but i have been a little more off track late


Hebrew, I have been able to say/spell most of the store vocab and i has been able to understand more Hebrew. with the store and train unit almost done i know alot more vocab


French, Me and some others have started to work on extended work and i has been ahead on most of my work. but i dont really know if i want to go into extended french

April 4

למה יעקב רוצה לחזור לארץ כנצן?

I think Yakov wanted to start his own life. I mean at this point in the story he had a rich company, a huge family. His whole family lived with Laban and did not get to see the world so Yakov probably wanted his family to have a life of there own. Also Laban had lied to him so many times i would not want to be working for him. When Yakovs last deal with Laban was fake when Laban sons took away his flock he probably was pushed over the limit and left.

April 3

the golden calf

today we watch a video on the golden calf is something the Israelites made to replace mosses when he when to get the ten commandments. when they did not see there leader Moses was not there they were scared he would not come back. this are the characteristic are these people here are 2 of mine I am LOUD a lot when I get exited also i think im funny.

March 26

Pour Pourim

Pour la fête de Pourim mon costume est un 11 ft étranger inflatable. Le thème est une personne issue d’une émission, d’un jeu ou d’un film. Je l’ai choisi parce que j’aime les films “Men in Black”.


Le costume que j’ai vu ce matin que j’aime le plus est celui de Daniel parce que il est un dinosaure géant, vert et marron et est environ 1,5 m de haut.

March 4


What did I already know about fractions. I know all about the four types of fractions zero fractions, proper fractions, whole fractions, improper fractions.


what I did not know about fractions. I totally forgot about the zero rule were you cant put zero at the bottom of the line.

February 28

goals Feb 26

English, so far I have been better than last time we check in. It has been way more easy to focus and not distract others.


Hebrew, I have been able to say/spell most of the store vocab and i has been able to understand more Hebrew.


French, Me and some others have started to work on extended work and i has been ahead on most of my work.